CT120-400MD90: Cyclonic filter for thru feed grinder - aerospace parts
CTPF30-120MD20CHH: Paperband filter with magnetic separator, chiller and heat exchanger for aerospace part grinding
CTPF50-220DP: Paperband filter for grinder with low outlet
CTPF30-120CH-BF: Paperband filter with chiller and bag filters for aerospace part grinding
CT200-1200-PF30: Custom cyclonic & paperband filter for separating composites from large milling operation
CTPF30-100: Paperband filter control AC control voltage
CTPF30-140MD20CHH-TT: Control for special specifications UL/CSA approved
CTPF30-120MD20CHH: Panel to control a full system with a chiller, heater, magnetic separator and oil skimmer